Urban Housing Development Policies and Spatial Justice (Institutional Ethnography of Mehr Sanandaj Housing)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Regional Planning, Sociology and Social Planning, Faculty of Economics, Management and Social Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran..

2 PhD in Economic Sociology and Development, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Economics, Management and Social Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.


Objective: The Mehr Housing Plan was one of the measures taken by the Ninth Government in the field of providing housing for low-income groups. In the meantime, Sanandaj city has been one of the cities where Mehr Housing has been implemented in its two urban areas - Degran and Baharan - due to reasons such as population growth, migration and increasing marginalization. In this research, considering spatial justice approaches, we tried to provide an analysis of the situation in these areas. China's main assumption is that spatial justice has not been realized and bio-urbanism has been marginalized in these areas. Investigating the housing situation in Sanandaj city is considered one of the most important issues of this city and this has created challenges for managers and urban planners, residents and owners. Mehr Sanandaj housing with a capacity of 7,600 units (built in Baharan, 5.43 hectares, and the total length of 20 and 14 meter streets is 6410 meters, and the street density in this project is 3.147 meters) was trying to create a space for the citizens to be able to solve problems and solve urban problems, especially housing. This project has created a situation that cannot be looked at from a statistical and quantitative point of view. Looking at this project from the perspective of stakeholders is one of the most important ways to look at the performance of managers and planners, contractors and stakeholders and evaluate the achievements of this project. This shows that the residents have had perceptions and encounters with the adopted policies and strategies. Their opinion about access to facilities, type of construction, space, etc. determines how spatial justice in Sanandaj city affects the living conditions of its residents. The basic assumption of this research is that sufficient and appropriate space has been one of the most important points that have been neglected in the Mehr Sanandaj housing plan. The way of architecture and constructions in these areas has indicated inappropriate space, lack of attention to infrastructure, and focus on the maximum use of land, and this is unequal compared to other urban areas. With this assumption, the current research aims to establish the institutional conflict of the residents with the policies and strategies adopted in the Mehr housing in Sanandaj.
Method: The research method is institutional ethnography. The data of this research are extracted from the experiences that have been formed in the struggle of institutional relations and institutional texts as the implementation of policies from above. Purposive sampling was used to select the people to be interviewed, and theoretical sampling was used to determine the number of people, determine the location of the required data, and find the direction of the research. Thematic analysis and emic model were used to interpret the experiences of the interviewees in order to achieve a critical reading of the formed experiences based on them and by placing them in the local context and situation. Interviews were conducted with 30 inhabitants living in Mehr housing located in Baharan town of Sanandaj. Also, the institutional documents related to the Mehr housing project (plans, statistics and information, the website of these involved institutions, etc.) have been examined, analyzed and criticized.
Results: The results show that the diversity and cultural contradictions of the population caused by excessive immigration and overcrowding of apartments created problems that put this urban life at risk. Many floors and crowded units have caused this crowding and created an uneasy environment. In the social and cultural dimension, we can also point to the existence of group conflicts and the lack of place belonging and the reduction of social trust in these areas. The results in the form of secondary categories of residents' social conflicts and overcrowding, lack of social and psychological security, lack of participation and institutional trust, and weak facilities and neglect of the spatial context show that the spatial nobility is not only not realized, but also creates instability for the residents. It has been determined. The analysis of the interviews in this dimension shows a window of issues that can be discussed with the secondary category of reducing social and psychological security in these areas. Due to many reasons, such as the existence of single people, drug addicts, busy families, etc., these areas have become unsafe and this has had the greatest impact on the lives of women and children. However, in relation to the related institutions, including the municipality, the analysis of the categories from the interviews shows that there is cooperation and trust between the residents and the institutions. burden What was discussed more about spatial justice is related to the weakness of facilities and neglect of the spatial context of these areas. Distance from health and treatment centers, disproportionate public transportation, lack of sports use, lack of green space and recreational use, and lack of waste management are the most important categories that show that the facilities of these areas are not sufficient to be able to have bio-sustainability in these areas. It is possible to affirm the existence of spatial justice and, to a greater extent, social justice.
Conclusion: urban services in its general sense can compensate for many service and public activities needed to manage urban affairs in these areas and reduce social and economic injustices. Therefore, institutional attention and participation of relevant institutions in this field is the most important solution to promote spatial justice and increase urban ecology in these areas.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 18 July 2024
  • Receive Date: 02 June 2024
  • Revise Date: 17 July 2024
  • Accept Date: 18 July 2024