Inequality of Happiness and Its Relationship to the Level of Development of Tehran Districts (A Case Comparison of Districts 3, 13, and 17 of Tehran)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Department of Social Development Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD in Economic Sociology and Development, Faculty of Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.


Objective: Adjusted Happiness Inequality Index (IAH) is a new and suitable index to show the Happiness status in different countries or regions, which is obtained from the combination of average and standard deviation statistics, and in addition to Happiness, it also shows its inequality. give The present article tries to combine the approach of egalitarians and utilitarians to present a picture of "vigor" and "adjusted inequality of Happiness" in Tehran based on the level of development of the regions and explain their differences based on the development levels of these regions. For this purpose, the areas of Tehran city have been divided into three clusters with high, medium and low development levels, and one area from each cluster has been selected for study. What is referred to as Happiness in this article is people's overall assessment of their lives. The same individual evaluation when analyzed collectively can give a very good idea for analyzing the development situation and achieving sustainable development in a region.
Method: The current article is based on research data, the two main indicators of which are the level and inequality of Happiness among the selected areas, which have been carried out with a quantitative survey method in a broad and cross-sectional manner. The statistical population of the study is the population of 18 years and older in Tehran, and the sample size is estimated to be 600 people using Cochran's sampling formula. The sample population was divided based on the ratio of population between different regions in such a way that region 3 was equal to 230 people, region 13 was equal to 177 and region 17 was determined to be 193 people. To collect data, a questionnaire tool was used in a sample size of 600 people from three areas of Tehran with different levels of development, and cluster and systematic random sampling methods were used. Two types of commonly used scales to measure Happiness retrospectively have been used in the current research. The first is the Oxford questionnaire, and its final form is prepared with 29 questions, 4 options, in which a person judges himself from feeling unhappy to feeling extremely happy. spss software was used to analyze the data, and the excel file of this index was used to calculate the IAH index.
Results: The findings show that, just as at the macro level and among countries, the level of Happiness and inequality of Happiness varies according to the level of development, this is also true at the level of urban areas; This means that in the areas that have higher development, they have a better state of Happiness. A better situation is also measured by the amount and distribution of Happiness; That is, where the level of Happiness is higher and inequality is lower, its situation is better than other areas. To show the level and extent of inequality of Happiness, adjusted index of inequality of Happiness was used. Areas with a higher IAH score have a better state of Happiness and this will be different based on the level of development. The Happiness inequality score, calculated in a range of 0 to 100 points, is equal to 57.52 in region 3, 52.55 in region 13, and 42.45 in region 17, and in Tehran, in general, it is equal to 50.32. Comparing these numbers with each other fully confirms the relationship between the inequality of Happiness and the level of development of the regions. Among the studied regions, region 3 with an average of 6.85 is higher than other regions, and regions 13 and 17 have an average of 6.33 and 5.59, respectively. It is noteworthy that in all three regions, the average Happiness is higher than the average (i.e. 5). On the other hand, the examination of the standard deviation shows that the level of Happiness inequality (or people's overall assessment of their life situation) in region 17 is higher than other regions, and region 3 has less inequality than regions 13 and 17. In this way, region 3 with the highest average and the lowest level of inequality of Happiness has a better state of Happiness than other regions. As in many researches conducted between countries, the countries that have a higher rank in terms of the level of development have better conditions in terms of inequality of Happiness.
Conclusion: The results underscore the profound influence of socio-economic development on youth migration in Iran. To mitigate youth migration and effectively manage population dynamics, substantial policy interventions are imperative. These measures should encompass bolstering the economy and fostering stable employment opportunities in less developed regions, enhancing human development indicators, and conducting precise and efficacious assessments of local needs and challenges.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 27 July 2024
  • Receive Date: 18 June 2024
  • Revise Date: 20 July 2024
  • Accept Date: 27 July 2024